About Us

MIZN is the best online abaya store in Pakistan. It is led by two sisters, mompreneurs who are passionate about crafting the highest quality abaya designs for you.

Our Journey

We first opened our doors in 2019 during pandemic. Our journey began as a small woman led business, and has grown to become a top abaya brand in pakistan.

We cater to women abayas, modest dresses, turkish abayas, wedding abayas and hijabs. We plan to revamp the experience of online abaya shopping in Pakistan and become an abaya brand synonymous to quality

Our Founders

Mizn abaya shop is led by hijabi sisters who believe in displaying finesse through the craft of fabric and color play. 

Each sister brings a distinct perspective, helping our abaya designs evolve diversely. Where one caters to modesty, the other adds a modern touch to the abayas. 

Our Vision

Mizn aims to revolutionise the abaya market and create new abaya designs that showcases sophistication and consider the fashion priorities of different classes.

Mizn abayas gifts women from all walks of life a sense of glorifying confidence which cannot be found elsewhere