How to make a hijab hanger

How to make a hijab hanger

Do you wish to keep your hijabs organised? Is tour hijab drawer piling up and you need more space for them?
Then don’t worry. You can now keep your hijabs in one go in this hijab hanger.
These hangers are available
at online abaya shops and abaya store. But if you don’t want to buy one, you can easily make this at home within 10 minutes.
So lets begin:

Things Required

All you need to make this DIY multi hanger is:
  1. A few newspapers
  2. Glue gun or strong liquid glue
  3. A regular hanger
  4. A round bottle cap, 5 inches diameter
  5. A ball of yarn or thick thread
Steps to Follow to create a Hijab Hanger
1. Roll your newspaper into thin strips.
2. Wrap the newspaper around the round bottle cap.
Scarf hanger diy3. Wrap yarn around the rounded newspaper.
Hijab hanger make at home abaya online4. Make 20 yarn circles or as many as you need for your abaya hijabs
5. Take regular hanger and cover it with yarn from both sides
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6. Attach the circles to it using glue gun.
7. To ensure they are tightly packed together, tie them up with yarn.
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8. Tada, your hijab hanger is ready.
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Hope you find this helpful. We have used it it keep many abaya and hijabs and its sturdy.
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